A Model Mother
Mom is a tall, trim, beautiful Redhead. Some would call her skinny even but with her it was jealousy on those other womens’ part. Mom had been an actual model in her college days, sports related stuff mostly. She was most well recognized for her swimsuit shots though. She was pursuing a dual Bachelors in Communications and Journalism. She Graduated near the top of her class. She continued to model until meeting and eventually marrying my Dad. Dad is an above average looking guy and when they met, a guy on a major construction job at her apartment building in her Junior year. They dated and married after Mom graduated.
Mom continued to model until becoming pregnant with me, I’m Anthony or Tony. When I was a kid though the other kids started calling me Hat. This after someone realized my initials spelled H.A.T., Harold Athony Turley. Instead of fighting it I embraced it and had my parents start buying me different hats, mostly baseball caps. Some with weird sayings or pictures, some with just odd projections like horns and such.
But when I hit High School that changed as I had been working the last few years with my Dad at his construction jobs. I gained both height and size, all of it muscle. I had also been playing football in Junior High. But when that summer came I had a big growth spurt and gained six inches in height and all that muscle had someplace to grow. Before Junior year I had become Big Tony, not all relating to my height and bulk. More than once though, I was compared to Micheal Ohr from the movie. I’m friendly, a little shy with girls but still successful and a terror on the field. I was a Running back in the younger years but as I grew the coaches put me in as a defensive linesman where I excelled.
I am attending college on a partial football scholarship. The rest is picked up by my Dad as part of the divorce from Mom for me and my little sister. Not coincidentally, I’m attending University at where Mom went to school, tradition and honoring Mom. Like I said I’m Tony, or Big Tony if you insist. I’m a big guy now at 6’3″ tall and weight a mighty 285#, all muscle. That’s not to say I’m a big dumb jock. Mom made sure I applied myself to my studies all through High School and I graduated with a 3.45 GPA. Also like Mom I’m pursuing a career in Communications but on the sports broadcaster side when my football career ends. I am a walking information source on all things sports but mostly, you guessed it, Football.
Back to Mom and Dads’ divorce as that’s where this story begins. Like I said before, Mom is a beautiful woman. She is a tall woman at 5′ 10″ tall and very slim. She has a smallish bust with 32Bs but they perfectly fit her body type. After the two of us were born, both times, she hit the gym as often as possible to return to her original modeling days figure. The only exception I found out later is Moms’ hips were 32″ before but after having us were 34″ giving her a slightly pear shape but it looks fantastic with her 22″ waist above it. She could still be a model. She might weight 118#. She won’t let me see her weight, ‘it’s a lady’ thing she says with a grin when we play our game of my trying to see it whenever I see her on the scale.
Dad isn’t a small guy either. He is a tall guy at 6′ 1″ but much less stout or muscled then I am now. As a kid I thought he was huge but as I grew figured out he was big but just a regular guy. Dad let his physique go from a strapping 185# of construction worker muscle to a sorta flabby 220#. When he moved up some at the original company he was able to take on small projects on the side. Eventually, he started his own carpentry contracting business which grew into a full construction company in its own right. He has been very successful and made good money on every project with a great reputation for coming in on or under budget.
A few years before the divorce he had even had a new house built for us. A nice Three bedroom with a downstairs office. An in ground large size pool, ostensibly for everyone to stay in shape, everyone except him as it turns out. But we as a family had great times around that pool and the neighborhood ‘Garden parties’ that would cycle through the community. You see the neighborhood adults decided during the spring through fall to have semi-regular parties at one of the houses, each hosting at different times.
At one such party is when our family got broken. It was at a neighbors’ house that time. Mom had tried to use the downstairs bathroom and found it in use. She went upstairs to use the one in the Master bedroom. She thought she heard someone as she approached but found the door slightly open and no voices. She walked up to the door and looked in and saw two high-heeled feet bottoms up. She opened the door a little very quietly and was then shocked to see the neighborhood tramp slobbering on my Dads’ dick. She was, of course, outraged.
She had the presence of mind to whip out her cell phone and record just in time to hear Dad say, “Jesus Karen, you sure know how tirebolu escort to polish a knob. I always enjoyed these parties when you would hit me up and do this.”
Karen just keeps going with a, “Mmmfpft.”
A minute later Dad blows his load and as he is going off Mom pushes in and screams, “You bastard! How could you?!?!”
She looked down at Karen who had quit sucking at the wrong time and was splattered with my dads’ spew, all over her face and down the front of her faux silk blouse. Mom was still recording the whole time.
“You’ll be hearing from My divorce attorney on Monday Darrell, don’t come home. You no longer live there.” She ends the recording and leaves.
Dad was only allowed to come home to pack his clothes and get out later that week. I was tasked with ensuring Dad only got those things. At fifteen I was floored he could do this to my gorgeous and loving Mom. My sister cried for a week, she had always been Daddys’ little girl. While Mom doted on Me, her first born. We stayed with Mom and she got the house and cars. She got a small alimony until I finished school. Whereby she could handle taking care of just my little sister from then on. They split the furniture and as I said Dad had to pay for me and my sisters’ full rides through college.
After that the three of us just moved on without him. Sis and I continued on in school. I graduated two summers ago and am now going into my Sophomore year at the University. Sis will be a Senior. She is very much like our mother, smart, hard working, she has even better grades than I did. She is also gorgeous. A tall redhead like our mom at almost 5′ 8″ and the body of a goddess, or so my friends tell me, over and over. She is also into sports in a big way but chose a different path. In the fall she is a cheerleader but in the spring she swims, ‘Micheal Phelps look out.’ My sisters’ figure is a little more robust than moms’ but very similar. She has C cups to moms’ Bs and an even smaller 20″ waist and the 24″ hips. Everything well and truly toned from hours in the pool or doing gymnastics for cheerleading.
After Dad and Mom divorced, Mom refused to date, not trusting men because of Dads’ infidelity. She also went back to modeling part-time. Her full-time gig was and still is as an editor at a regional sports magazine. She makes good money and is satisfied with that. She enjoys the attention but not the come-ons from the photographers and other functionaries at the shoots. She has been a little lonely both my sister and I see but we try to keep her in our lives and activities as much as possible. She attended every home game while I was in High School and even a few away games. She supported my sister at all her meets. Dad also tried to support us at these events. After a while he tried to sit with mom at events and talk about us kids. But she would ignore him and if he didn’t get the hint she would move away from him. He would sit there sometimes or move the other way.
At the beginning of this seasons ‘Garden parties’, ones that Dad was no longer invited to, Mom had another shock. She found out the other reason I’m called Big Tony. Ironically, it happened in the same house and the same bathroom. Nearly the same woman too, but it was actually Karens’ slutty daughter Kim. She was a Jock bunny and would do anything for the school’s many Star jocks behind closed doors. Apparently, it worked out almost the same way too.
She had gone looking for an open bathroom and found Kim on her knees in front of me just like her mom had been five years prior. She even whipped out her phone to record but not knowing why initially. Kim was there going to town on my 10″ cock when Mom came upon the scene. Her hand flew to her mouth to cover a gasp. She told me later she just couldn’t look away. It was like when you come upon a car accident and can’t help but slow down and look.
Not long after she arrived Kim looked up at me and pulled off my cock and said, “I can’t decide whether I want you to blow your load down my throat and in my mouth or all over my face.”
“Don’t worry Kim, I got enough for both.” And she proceeds to suck the cum from my balls without another word.
In short order I actually painted her face after several large ropes down her throat and in her mouth like she asked for. Then I pulled out and covered her face and even some on her tits.
“That’s the other thing about a big cock Kim, they come with big balls too. And they are always full.”
To her astonishment Mom sees a small puddle under Kim, she immediately knows the girl came and squirted on the floor. She then stops the recording before moving away to find another bathroom.
During multiple times over the next week I would notice Mom looking at me. At first I didn’t realize she was actually looking at my crotch. During the summers we practically live around the pool, especially my sister ‘The Fish’. Both of them would wear flattering bikinis that of course I noticed, I wasn’t dead after all. We would tokat escort swim, tan and have BBQs regularly, me having taken over the grill mastery after Dads’ departure. In the third week of actual summer my sister went away for a two weeks to swim camp leaving me alone at home with mom.
The day after Sis left for camp Mom and I had been at the pool. We had both gone inside to rinse off and get dressed for dinner out. I was ready pretty quickly as guys are. I went to see how close Mom was to ready when I noticed she wasn’t in her bedroom. I didn’t hear water running in there, so I assumed she was finishing up. I stepped to the door that was open a decent amount. What I saw stunned me. Mom stood there in all her glory naked as the day she was born. Like her I just stared, like at that proverbial car crash.
Moms’ skin was flawless as far as I could see. Her breasts sat high and perky, like gravity didn’t exist, with half dollar size dark pink areolas and pert nipples that were hard. They sat above the flat tight plane of her abs which was smooth all the way to a small tuft of matching red hair above her cleanly shaven pussy. She was gorgeous and so sexy. She caught me looking with my mouth hanging open.
She grabs her towel quickly and covers herself while asking, “Do you need something Honey?”
Her voice snapped me out of my trance and I mumbled, “Just checking on how close to ready you are Mom.”
As she covered up she turned towards me and I noticed her butt is nice, rounded and the size of a pair of large cantaloupe.
I could help myself and just blurted out, “Jesus Mom, you’re gorgeous.”
“Thank you honey.” She replies blushing. “Now go downstairs and wait for me. I’ll only be about another 10 minutes or so.” I nodded dumbly and walked away.
As I walk away both my Mom and I notice a huge bulge in my cargo shorts. Mom smiles and I blush harder. ‘I hope Mom didn’t see this.’ I headed downstairs like directed and like a zombie ended up on the couch staring at the TV that was off. My brain wouldn’t let the view of my mothers naked body stop playing in my mind’s eye. After a couple minutes of that I shake the images off and flip on the TV to, of course, sports.
Mom meanwhile finishes getting cleaned up while thinking about what had just happened. She thinks, ‘My son got turned on looking at me.’ She felt a little tingle in her womanhood. ‘I guess it’s nice to know that I can appeal to both a younger man and those lecturous assholes at the shoots.’ She then realizes she isn’t disgusted by the thought of her own son looking at her and getting hard. ‘Well, he is a Man after all, a Big man.’ She thinks remembering the bathroom with that slut Kim. ‘I wonder if he knows how to use it for anything besides splattering sluts.’
She then looks at herself in the mirror and says out loud quietly. “Are you actually thinking about your son sexually?” She thinks briefly and replies, “Yes I am. It’s been a long time since I let a man touch me. I also know I could trust my son to not hurt me emotionally.” ‘And having that 10 inches of cock fill my unused cunt sounds wonderful.’
Mom smiles at herself in the mirror and decides to see if she can get him to think of doing more than looking at his Mom. She goes to her bureau and pulls out some sexy panties, putting them on. Then she moves to her closet and selects a lightweight summer sundress. One that shows a little of her unsupported cleavage and hugs her thin frame without being too tight. She looks in the mirror on the back of her bedroom door. She smiles at the demure yet sexy Mom staring back at her. She steps back into the bathroom and applies her minimal makeup with lipstick that will bring out her lips without being over the top. Satisfied, she grabs a small purse, moves what she needs from her everyday bag into her clutch and heads downstairs.
When Mom comes down the stairs I am watching Sportscenter. She tells me, “I’m ready to go Baby boy.” She has always called me that since I was about 5. She then says, “How do I look?”
I flip off the TV and go to set the remote down but end up dropping it on the floor as my fingers go numb looking at Mom. She stands there in a Yellow sundress with small flowers and I think bunnies. The effect is supernatural. She looks 15 years younger. If I didn’t know better she was trying to look like a girl my age and she looks damn close. While I stare Moms’ smile broadens knowing she has got him in the palm of her hand.
“I’ll take that stunned jaw on the floor as approval.” She tells me.
I just nodded, forcing my mouth closed.
“Then let’s go eat. This is kinda like a date huh. Just me and my big boy. All grown up.” She says with just a flick look at my crotch I don’t notice then.
“You drive Honey. The man should drive his date around.” She says holding out her car keys.
Pulling myself off the couch I get moving and take the keys gently from Mom. She takes my arm and we walk out like she said, a date. I lock the door and help mom topkapı escort into her car, a nice sleek BMW 5 series. I put the seat back further before climbing in and readjust to get comfortable. I adjust the mirror too and start the car letting it run a minute while putting on my seatbelt. I look over at Mom and she is already belted in and smiling at me.
“Let’s keep this fun, let’s go to Chili’s and get those fajita grilled things you love so much.”
I smile back knowing I will have every scrap of mine and about half of hers when she gets full and pushes it to me.
“Okay Mom.”
“Call me Madilyn or better yet Maddie tonight Tony, remember it’s a date with my big boy.”
Looking a little stunned again I replied, “Okay Mo.. I mean Maddie.” We pull out of the driveway and I drive us to our local Chili’s.
We walk in, arm-in-arm at Moms’ insistence saying, “Date remember.”
I nod and put out my arm for her and we walk inside. We approach the hostess and Mom lets me lead with a nod.
I say, “Table for two please.”
She looks at her chart and says, “I think I have one ready. Let me double check.”
The gal seems familiar but I don’t remember from where. She steps into the dining area and returns quickly saying, “Follow me please.”
She gives me a less than subtle up and down look, then heads to the table.
She says, “Right here folks for you and…”
“Oh this is my…”
“..date.” Maddie finishes with a smile.
The girl steps away nodding.
I help Mom sit down and move to sit opposite her but she stops me, “No sit here next to me, date remember.”
She has a small sly smile on her face.
“Yes Maddie.” I answer.
I take the requested seat and pick up my menu then set it right down already knowing what we planned to have just which protein was the question.
“So which platter are you having Maddie? I’m going for the steak of course.”
“Shrimp please. Would you mind ordering for us both too please? I really like a man who takes charge.”
She takes my hand and squeezes it before interlacing her small fingers with my sausages. I realize right away it feels really nice and I begin to calm a little.
“Of course Maddie. If that’s what you want. How about to drink?”
“I’m not driving, so a White wine please.” She replies with a bigger smile.
I smile back really enjoying seeing Mom this way, more fun-loving and free.
The waitress comes and she takes our full order, “Two fajita platters please one Shrimp for the lady and a Steak for me. A White wine again for the lady and a Coke and large water for me.”
The waitress smiles at getting everything in a clean, concise manner. She looks familiar too.
“I’ll bring those drinks right out, after I get your order in, folks.”
I nod thanks and look at Mom… Maddie, I need to keep reminding myself.
“How was that? Take charge enough Maddie?”
“Perfect.” She replies with a genuine smile that takes in her eyes as well.
We chat about our days and what I’m doing next term at school, almost like a real date.
She even tells me about her job and her being a model like it’s a real date and I don’t know these things. She especially plays up her modeling and says she most enjoys the bikini shoots.
“Except for the dirty old men hitting on her.” She mentions it casually. “They are not nearly as gentlemanly as you are.”
I grin at that and reply, “My mother would kill me if it ever got back to her I wasn’t. She raised me to be a good man.” We grin knowing that was very true.
Then she surprises me and pulls me over for a small kiss on the lips. The electricity is immediate, it feels like my scalp was electrified and my hair stood up on end.
She pulls back whispering, “Oh My.”
The waitress arrives with our drinks then and she smiles having seen the kiss as she walks up.
She says, “That looked very sweet. Your meals should be out shortly.” She walked away without us saying a thing as we continued to stare at each other.
“Mo… Maddie what are you doing?”
“Giving my date a peck on the lips. It was very nice, don’t you think so too?”
“Yeah, but…”
“You don’t like your date that much to kiss her?” She says, pouting a little.
“No, not that at all. It was… electric but we are…”
“… On a date right?” Maddie says.
“I’m sorry, yeah. This is a very nice date. I really do want to get to know you more.”
She lifts her wine and says, “To knowing each other, More.” Emphasizing the last.
“More.” I repeat not yet knowing where this might lead. I’m confused yet so excited.
Maddie continues to flirt subtly and I eventually pick up on that’s not my imagination and flirt right back. The flirting gets more overt over the food and after Maddie has a second glass of wine her cheeks flush slightly. I think it’s that wine but I hope maybe not. As predicted I polish off mine and the other half of hers. But while we are both eating we trade off bites a few times being silly and romantic I realize later. Maddie continues to play it up that this is a regular date and soon I feel it is too. As the date continues I soon notice Maddies’ nipples are hard and poking the inside of her dress. Now I realize she isn’t wearing a bra, not that she needs one at all.