Authors Note: This short story came from me accidentally sending an email to a friend using my Literotica writing name email address. What if I had sent a story that I had written? I know the stories I write here wouldn’t have been in their taste. So, that got me thinking of sort of a worst-case scenario and the below is the result.
All characters are 18 years of age and older, and no, I don’t have a daughter in real life.
As my daughter hugged me at the airport gate, she whispered in my ear “I’m glad we did it.” She then ran through the gate off to her plane and back to college after the Thanksgiving weekend.
I smiled to myself. That weekend didn’t exactly go as planned.
Finally, the story was done. I am part of a group of fellow authors on the Literotica site. I had a bet that my last story after 2 weeks would get a 4.5 or a hot rating. It didn’t. I lost the bet and my fellow authors, knowing my close, paternal-only, relationship with my daughter that I had to write and post a father-daughter incest story.
I hated every minute of it. I started by writing the story as an older gentleman/younger woman romance, but to satisfy the bet I changed the characters to father-daughter.
It was late. Now, to email it to fellow author “S” who is the grammar checker of the group. He always checks the stories first and then we circulate the story to all of us. My pen name is “G”
Email sent. Time for bed.
It was three days later. Usually “S” gets back to us that he at least received the story. I sent him a quick yıldırım escort email asking what he thought of it. Within 10 minutes I got a reply. “What story?”
I thought. “OK, That’s strange.” I went into my email and checked my sent emails. Shit. Instead of sending it to “S”. I sent it to my daughter Susan.
Of course, in my panic, I did the wrong thing. I should have just done nothing. My daughter would likely just delete it and life would go on.
Instead, I sent her another email apologizing that I mixed up two numbers in the email address and sent her the email in error. She should just delete it.
Thinking that that was now behind me. I resent the story to “S” and tried to forget about my stupid mistake.
I could only be so lucky. A few days later, I received the following email back….from my daughter….
I thought that your story was quite stimulating. However, I think it could be improved. Can I take a shot?
I poured myself a shot of vodka. I thought, “What do I do now?” It took me a day, but I finally replied. It sounded lame but sent it anyway.
Thanks, but I think I am OK.
I was hoping that that was that, but then four days later I received:
I hope you don’t mind, but I took a stab at it. Let me know what you think.
I decided that sending her the second email was my big mistake and I should just ignore her email and this whole thing will just go away. I really hope that she doesn’t know that she is exchanging emails with me. Besides, my daughter, yıldızeli escort her husband, and two kids were coming to visit me in two weeks.
A week later, she hadn’t sent any follow-up emails, so I figured that I was good now. My author group reviewed the story and recommended some corrections. I didn’t want to spend any more time on the story, but a bet was a bet and they wanted to drag this out as long as possible.
I reviewed their recommendations. This was going to require a rewrite.
I’m not sure why I did it, but I decided to see if Susan’s changes might get me out of doing the rewrite, so I pulled it out of my email trash and gave it a read. Susan has an English degree, so I figured she would bring the basic storytelling up a level, but her version was not just better written, but way more explicit than the one that I wrote. I got such a hard-on but then was disgusted at myself for having such thoughts around a father-daughter incest story that was written by my daughter.
After my initial disgust in myself, I realized that Susan had transformed the characters. The description of the characters was now more like myself and Susan.
I needed to put this aside and forget about it. She and her family would be here in three days to visit for the weekend.
They arrived. Due to 2 days of serious drinking, I managed to put a hangover separation between the story and Susan’s visit.
The weekend was going really well. I had a great time playing with my grandkids. I took them to the park on Saturday yozgat escort afternoon and had a great time pushing them on the swings.
I was exhausted when I got home and kind of fell into a chair in the kitchen. Susan was making dinner, and when she bent over to pull a pot out of the oven, I kind of got transfixed on her ass. It looked so much like her mothers did before she passed 10 years earlier.
The story flooded back into my mind, and I groaned and leaned onto the table, placing my face in my hands.
Susan must have heard my groan as she turned around and saw the state that I was in. “Dad, are you OK?”
I took a deep breath and said, “I think so, I must just be more tired than I thought.” And gave her a slight smile to try and assure her.
“Why don’t you go and lie down? Dinner won’t be ready for another 30 minutes.”
I nodded in agreement and headed to the living room to lie on the couch. Susan’s husband was in my office putting a puzzle together with the grandkids on my desk.
I felt better after dinner and the rest of the weekend went well.
I had mixed emotions on Sunday when they left. On one hand, I was sad to see them go, but on the other hand, I was looking forward to the separation to get my head back in the right space.
Two weeks later, I had posted the story and satisfied the bet I had with the other authors. This was finally behind me. Or so I thought.
Three days after it was posted, I got another email from Susan:
I see you posted my version of the story. I am glad you liked it.
Susan XOX
I just stared at it. Instead of signing it “S”, as with all the other emails about this story, she signed it the same way she signed the regular emails to my real email account. Did she know it was me, or like my original mistake with the email address, did she mistakenly put on the wrong email signature?